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    L&K Engineering (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

    TSMC (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. and Fab 16

    date:2019-09-06    browser:70
    Project Name:  MEP E&M Package installation Engineering of TSMC (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. 
    locations of the Engineering:  16 Zifeng Road Project, Pukou Economic Development Zone, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province
    Summary of the Engineering:  
    1. A 12" fab with a monthly capacity of 10,000 wafers 
    2. Floor area:  The total floor area is approximately 1. 55 million square meters. 
    3. According to function, it is divided into production area (FAB), power and production auxiliary area (CUP BSGS LORRY) and living area (DR). 
    Particularity of the Project:  Domestic Fab with a Line Width of 12NM


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