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L&K Engineering (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Cross contamination, clean analysis and diagnosis consulting service for airflow in machine station

date:2018-01-27    browser:121
Through on-site survey and measurement from professional technicians, the actual production machine can be presented in computer model and the calculation analysis for diffusions of fluid and pollutant is provided. With the clean design concept of professional technicians and technical personnel, the source about cross pollution or clean pollution in the production machine can be judged by helping the owner and the optimization and design for the improvement plan are carried on using the computer model. It can deal with the problem of cross contamination and clean pollution of the production machine for the customers.
The production machine that were dealt by us are: 8 "yellow Light area SMIF cleanliness improvement, CMP, Furnace Tube, RCA Cleaner, Stripper and G6 TFT yellow light Vacuum Dryer of semiconductor plant.


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